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Detoxed you body? How about your soul.....

Well life's been like a rat race. We do not have time for our-self. I am talking about the so called "Me Time".....We have everything in place but are we relaxed, are we happy? Minging, bitching cribbing is all that we see all around us. Now the most funny thing I discovered yesterday through a very dear friend was "Anonymous Bitching Forum"..... I mean really????

Website claims that you subscribe for free & there you can bitch about anything, vent-out as much as you want.... I mean why spreading negativity??? You need to analyse....!!!

What's eating you? What's chipping away at your soul each day?

What do you think about when you actually get quiet enough to think?

What is holding you back from greatness? From having peace in your life? From love? From the desires of your heart?

It's simple really: soul pollutants. That's right. Your soul can become contaminated, polluted, dark, and diseased just like any part of your body that is neglected and battered by the get-up-and-go, rush, hurry, got-to-do-it-now heartbeat of modern living.

We all think of the word "detox" as a simple process of eliminating certain foods, chemicals or substances from our bodies. Or on the flip side, as a period of time in which we limit our intake of certain foods like sugar, flour, alcohol, or large amounts of red meat to cleanse our digestive systems, knock off a few extra pounds, and give our vital organs a rest from the often "decadent" and "gorge yourself" mentality of the 21st century.

But I recently discovered that I needed to "detox" more than just my body. I needed to detox my soul. Let me explain. To "detox" means simply this: "A treatment or process designed to rid the body of poisonous substances." Well, I have news for you. For all of us. Our souls (aka our hearts, our core, our essence of being, our conscience) also get weighted down, calcified, and poisoned daily with the wounds of our past, the pain of our losses, the weight of our stresses, and the neglect of our dreams.

Our soul is where we live, after all. Our soul is what makes us who we are. Our soul is that place deep within us that propels us to greatness, or settles us into a lifeless lull of routine living. Our soul is what makes us dance, sing, laugh, press on, keep hope alive, love, give, care, empathize, and most of all be resilient. So, if our "soul" becomes TOXIFIED, so too does the very essence of our living.We all need to take the time to go on a "soul detox".

Look, I know we are all very busy. I know we are all worried, weary, and worn down. I know the kids need you, mom. I know the family needs you, dad. I know the job, the car, the blackberry, the iPhone, the trip, the activities, the church, the friends, the boyfriend/girlfriend, the best friend all need YOU (and me), but if you do not take the time to STOP and get a hold of what truly matters in your life, in this life, then you will become what most people have already succumbed to: a life of grudging acceptance, physical illness, anti-depressants, divorce, loneliness, lack of communication, brokenness, apathy, anger, isolation, regret, guilt, and much more worse.

We know that if the mind is healthy, the body will follow. But, when the soul is healthy, we can love better, engage better, give more, receive more, share more, and be more with the world around us and everyone we meet along the way. I also recommend a great book I read written by author Craig Groeschel, titled, Soul Detox: Clean Living in a Contaminated World.

Discover how in my next blog.....

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