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Futures & Options - Trading Reference

Author - Ekta Sharma


Trading is something that a person can expertise via experience. I have been working into the FX world for quiet some time but still when it come to Futures & Options I look for lots of reference material. Henceforth I just managed to compile few in this page. Primarily the idea of futures was first utilized by farmers and other commodity producers in order to hedge against poor crop yields among other things. Now, futures contracts can be utilized by anyone with an account, allowing a number of active traders to open positions in their favorite hard assets.

FX world is really big and the knowledge quiet vast. I hope you will find this blog helpful.

General - The following blogs fall under the general futures knowledge category.

  • Futures Mag: A website dedicated to all things futures including ETFs, Forex, Commodities and more.

  • Trend Following Mentor: A great blog that focuses on the general investing and futures world.

  • Trading Pub: A unique blog that aims to create an online community for active traders.

  • Stock Rock and Roll: A site that features actionable trading ideas and futures commentary.

  • Trading Concepts: A broad-based resource for those who actively participate in markets.

  • Ultra High Frequency Trading: Another blog that is geared towards active traders and futures investors.

  • Stock Futures and Options Tips: A general blog on futures trading.

  • Stock Nifty Tips: A general blog that focuses on stock trading as well as futures and options contracts.

  • Stock Market Analysis: An extremely active blog that focuses on overall markets and futures contracts mainly concerning major indexes.

  • Nifty Futures Tips: A good resource for staying up to date with the world of futures.

  • Shadowtraders: A more general resource that focuses on the trading world as a whole.

  • Safe Haven: A broad website that focuses on all facets of the investing world.

  • Econ Matters: Another website that explores every corner of the financial world.

  • Investors Council: One of the most active blogs on this list, this website will give you a nice broad overview of the futures world.

  • Support And Resistance: A new blog that aims to help investors work their way around the futures world.

  • Options Futures: A very active blog that focuses on both options and futures contracts.

  • Nas Trading: A blog that takes a look at various aspects of the futures space.

  • Alpari: A general site that gives education information to traders to help them make futures plays.

  • Where To Invest: This site has a healthy commodities blog for traders who love all things hard asset.

  • Stock Future Tips Today: A regularly updated blog that tends to focused on equity futures though it still maintains a healthy section on commodities.

  • FuturesKnowledge: A general site that gives traders everything they need to know about futures

The Casual Investor - The following resources are for your casual futures investor
  • Trader Kingdom: A site that features a great blog on futures trading and market trends.

  • Inside Futures: One of the best all-encompassing sites for futures knowledge and information.

  • Traders Log: This site features articles and forums dedicated to futures markets.

  • FuturesTrader71: A great futures-based website that also features a nice blog for its users.

  • Chuck’s Commodities Blog:’s commodities blog is a great resource for futures information on these hard assets.

  • Attain Capital Management: A well known name in the futures world, Attain’s blog will give you the latest analysis and insight into the futures world.

  • 24/7 Wall St: This blog tends to focus on the investing world as a whole but will still offer good analysis and information on futures markets.

  • Technical Traders: A great website for all things technical trading including a wide variety of options advice.

  • Wisdom Financial: The Wisdom Financial blog has a heavy tilt towards commodities futures.

  • Resource Investor: A great resource for those looking to stay up to date on the latest news in the futures world.

  • RJO Futures: This trading platform also comes packed with up to date news and trends for commodity futures.

  • Etoro: A blog to help get your feet wet in the wide world of futures trading.

  • Ichimoku Trade Blog: A good blog with actionable trade ideas for its readers.

  • Futures Market Blog: A blog specifically designed for all things futures trading.

Advanced - These websites are designed specifically for those who have a wealth of experience with futures
  • SidewaysMarkets: A site heavily geared towards active traders including trading courses and FAQs.

  • Afraid to Trade: This blog features regular updates on the futures world along with charts and other technical indicators.

  • Emini Academy: A blog that features strategies and futures trading techniques.

  • Emini Methods: Another blog dedicated to trading various emini futures.

  • Trade In Harmony: A nice blog that is geared towards active traders and financial junkies.

  • Futures Options Trading: An excellent resource for those looking to dabble in options or futures contracts, as many commodity investors do.

  • SMB U: A great blog that focuses on all facets of the financial world including futures trading.

  • E-Futures: This website features training for all levels but offers a very compelling resource center for advanced traders.

  • Futures Trading: A website that is also home to a significant amount of information and training for advanced investors.

  • Advanced Futures: A site that, as its name suggests, is intended for serious traders only.

  • Optimus Trading Group: This website features advanced futures trading videos and helpful charting tips.

Focused - These blogs hone in on a particular sector or asset
  • Agricultural Futures Trading: As suggested in the title, this resource focuses on agriculture futures trading.

  • Emini Addict: A great blog dedicated solely to futures trading.

  • Futures Trading News: Another powerful and active blog to keep you up to date on the futures market.

  • Forex Currency Trading: A blog that hones in on forex trading and futures.

  • Pip Vac: A forex trading site that also features a blog on futures and other trading vehicles.

  • Futures-Trading-Infonet: Another broad-based commodity website, Futures Trading offers a blog on a number of your favorite commodity contracts.

  • Trade Precious Metals: A blog wholly dedicated to precious metals traders and investors.

  • Investor Place: A great website that discusses the financial world as a whole, but has a soft spot for precious metals futures.

  • Gold Investing News: A great resource for those looking to hone in on gold futures and trends.

  • MCX Tips Today: Ran by India’s Multi-Commodity Exchange, this blog offers helpful tips for commodity futures traders.

  • The Oil Drum: This blog sets its sights on the entire energy industry while still offering a nice focus on natural gas news and trends.

  • OilPrice: Another great website for those looking to focus in on one commodity, in this case crude oil and energy futures.

  • Palm Oil HQ: This website specifically focuses crude palm oil futures.

  • GotGoldReport: Another solid blog that features news as well as analysis surrounding goldand gold futures.

  • Fuel Fix: A great website that focuses on the energy world.

  • Earn From Home: A blog focused on commodities futures and price movements.

  • Day in the Life of a Bond Trader: A blog that will cater to those looking for fixed income futures.

  • CPO Futures: As stated in the byline, the blog focuses on the Basic of Crude Palm Oil Futures Trading On Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Based On Technical Analysis.

  • Copper Updates: Traders rejoice, this blog is heavily focused on pricing and futures contracts for copper.

  • Platts: This blog aims to provide both news and analysis for investors of crude.

Education - The following blogs are aimed at providing knowledge on the futures industry as a whole.
  • Hedging Futures: This site is not focused on updating you on the futures market, but rather to educate you on futures trading as a whole.

  • Emini Radio Blog: A blog from the Christian Financial Radio Network, this resource is heavily geared towards education of the futures market.

  • Slope of Hope: A good resource for those looking to learn more about equity futures.

  • Reality Futures Trading: A website that offers a knowledge-driven blog to give you a leg up on futures contracts.

  • A website that seeks to provide its readers with general knowledge on futures contracts.

  • Traders Laboratory: An all-encompassing resource for active traders.

  • Seery Futures: A great website that features a fair amount of updates on futures and options.

  • T&K Futures and Options: This site features commentary on a number of commodities, but it keeps a thorough section exclusively for copper and its traders. Also, the site allows one to open a “practice” trading account in which you can test your theories with fake money before moving into the real thing.

  • World Link Futures: A site solely dedicated to teaching traders the best practices for futures investing.

  • Trading Markets: A website that has a specific section designed to teach you how to successfully trade Emini futures.

  • Center for Futures Education: A great resource for those that are new to futures contracts.

  • United Futures Trading Company: An online futures broker with an education center to get you started on your very own trades.

  • Efutures: Another great website for general futures knowledge.

  • CME Group Resource Center: One of the largest futures exchanges in the world, the CME Group houses an excellent resource center for traders of all kinds.

  • Trading Charts: A site that offers both futures education as well up to date commodity futures news.

  • A site that aims to educate and aid futures traders of all levels.

  • Investors Depot: Another website that is specifically designed to educate you on the overall industry.

  • Mirus Futures: A site that offers free trading education.

  • LiveCharts: This U.K.-based website has plenty to offer for those looking to learn about the futures world.

  • Investments Options Futures Trading: A blog that focuses its posts on teaching you the ins and outs of options futures.

  • Money Maker Edge: A blog that focuses on futures of all kinds.

Personal - These blogs are personally-run by their authors
  • Daniels Trading: This blog is focused on trading as a whole but will include futures trading advice and actionable ideas.

  • Futures Trade Blog: A great resource for those who are just getting their feet wet in the world of futures.

  • Futures X Trading: This site is focused on the personal trades of its author.

  • I Am A Futures Trader: A personal blog written by a trader with a wealth of experience and accolades.

  • Larry Baer’s Options & Futures Trading Strategies Blog: This blog is a personally-written resource that has a heavy focus on commodities.

  • ProTrader Ed Jaguar Trading Club: Another blog for dedicated futures traders.

  • Carl Futia: Another blog that focuses on its author’s trades and activity in futures markets.

  • Trader Dan’s Market Views: A professional commodity trader bringing you his insights and analysis of the current futures market.

  • Swing Trades in Futures: This blog is a another personally-run source for commodity futures traders.

  • Matt McKinney Option Plays & Futures Trading Strategies: A good personal blog that outlines various futures strategies including those concerning commodities.

  • Wang’s Happy Trading: Another great personal blog with an established following.

  • Odds: A blog that aims to help make options and futures easy and has been active for over four years.

  • Our Investing Blog: A personal blog that often discusses futures and options investing.

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