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Myki fines 'Just Unfair' - missed touch-on & end up paying your entire day wage (average

You're on the train, making the monotonous morning commute to work, when you're approached by a public transport officer who asks to check your myki ticket. You've touched on at the station, so you're not worried....!!!

Now how confident are you when you travel back home after work and have to travel via "Springvale" or "Richmond East" where there is no proper Myki machine installed. There's just a Pillar with a myki touch on machine & if incase after a hectic day you forget to touch it or the machine beeps and you did not bother to notice the screen message......End of story when you get off just pay $75 on the spot or if you claim to get the machine checked .... alas get penalised further with an updraged fine i.e $223.... really????

Inspite of travelling everyday & though you have paid the entire day threshold myki fare still you owe the fine..... i mean really....???? Now this is really weired.....!!!!

The legal enforcement of myki fines has again been thrown into doubt following a landmark court decision that dismissed a fare evading charge. Despite the decision last year, the Department of Transport has continued to issue thousands of infringement notices and prosecute hundreds of commuters who argue they tried to do the right thing but were let down by the $1.55 billion myki ticketing system. Although a department spokeswoman denied it had received any advice that made it doubt its ability to prosecute myki fines, an insider insists concerns the technology would buckle under legal scrutiny had underpinned the introduction of cheaper on-the-spot fines in 2013.

But we are heading towards 2016..... still its going on & on & on.....

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